Wednesday, October 7, 2020

NAV/BC - Error when running Adjust Costs - ExeID SE:0000000065;DT:GLREG=45;DI:C12;T81;OnCode Not Found

ExeID SE:0000001842;DT:GLREG=45;DI:C12;T81;OnCode Not Found 

 This error randomly happens when running adjust costs manually and by automated job.

If you keep trying with smaller item ranges, eventually the adjust costs goes through.

We have found no resolution for this other than manually running adjust costs for small ranges at a time.

Run the adjust costs job, Clear as many items as possible.

Do an SQL - Rebuild Indexes

Schedule it to run weekly after closing hours.

Re-Run the adjust costs job.

We have found missing Item Application entry records can cause this.

Confirm by checking is all Item Ledger entry numbers have a corresponding entry in Item Application Entries in the Item Ledger entry no column.

Any missing records will need to be manually inserted.

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