Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Dynamics GP - PO Line items do not want to close or cancel due to hidden fractional quantities

The PO line item does not want to close because GP thinks you still have some quantity on order.
The most common culprit is a change in decimal place, or UofM is preventing the PO from closing properly.
For example an item may be on the PO for 10.25 but the item is set to 0 decimal places, and only shows 10 on the po. however, the 0.25 is hidden, but still counts as part of the PO.

Check the POP10110 table (PO Line items)

select * from pop10110 where ponumber = 'PO12345'

Check the QTYORDER and QTYCANCE fields to see if their are any fractional amounts.
Edit or update these values to remove the fractional amounts so that your cancelled qty matches properly.

To force close a line (Only do this if the PO really does not matter, and you are certain the qtyorder = qtycance, and you are certain you are not receiving against it)

update pop10110 set polnesta = 6 where ponumber = 'PO12345'

Then you can go to Edit PO, change the order to Cancelled, and run the Remove Completed Purchase Order Routine to move it into history.

Other things you can try

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