Monday, July 15, 2013

Dynamics GP 2013 - Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'UseQtyOverageTolerance', table 'tempdb.dbo.#PODetailed

Other errors
popSelectPOItemsLoadDexTables returned the following results: DBMS:515, Microsoft Dynamics GP: 0.

This error occurs when you try to use the Auto Receive feature against an existing PO

This error occurs because you have a non-inventory item on some PO that is incorrectly flagged as an inventoried item.
This may occur if the company has old PO's with old items that were not imported, or that were removed at some point.

Run this script to identify any PO Line items that are incorrectly flagged.
select * from pop10110 where NONINVEN = 0 and ITEMNMBR not in (select ITEMNMBR from IV00101)

Run this script to update all noninventory items to the correct status. This will resolve the error.
update pop10110 set noninven = 1 where NONINVEN = 0 and ITEMNMBR not in (select ITEMNMBR from IV00101)

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