Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Dynamics GP - FAQ - Company Data Archive Tool from Professional Advantage (CDA)

  1. I understand you have modified inquiry windows to show the information for both companies.
    1. Are you just adding new windows? Yes, we’ve added a new transaction receivables feature, that includes the archived documents – CDA RM Transaction Inquiry Window
    2. Are you modifying the existing inquiry windows? No; however, you can access this window from an existing inquiry window: sales à inquiry à transaction by customer à additional à archive company inquiry.
  2. Is your software compatible with Myridas Pricing from Dynavistics? Our standard CDA Professional module would NOT archive that data; however, our CDA Plus add-on allows users to archive any 3rd party or non-core GP data, which Myridas would fall under:
  3. Posting an adjustment to an archived year: the answer is you can’t – you should not be archiving stuff you figure you will be adjusting. Most customers keep 3-5 years of live data in their production company, which should help avoid this issue.
    1. Where do I post an adjustment for an archived year?
    2. Will it roll up the beginning balances in my live company?
    3. Are there restrictions on the General ledger year I choose to archive?
  4. How does the tool interact with PSTL (professional services tools library)? We don’t do anything special with PSTL
  5. How does the tool interact with the ID modifiers? (i.e. customer id modifier, vendor id modifier, etc.) the tool has an option that allows you to archive Master Data – this would include address ID, shipping methods, tax detail, any of that core customer vendor information.
  6. If I need to un-apply an applied payment that is in the historical database: similar answer to question 3
    1. Can this be done?
    2. Is this a complicated process?
  7. Are there restrictions on the transactions that are moved to the archive database? CDA only allows you to archive historical or fully applied data.
    1. Will it only move fully applied documents within the period defined? Yes, all related documents in the apply chain must fall after your archive cut-off date for those to be archived.
    2. What happens if I pay the documents subsequently? Do I have to run the tool again to move those transactions to the archived database? Yes, CDA will only archive historical data, so if one of those documents is still considered ‘open’, you would need to run the archive again in order to transfer that data to the ‘archive’ company.
  8. How does the tool affect running a Historical Inventory Trial Balance report? HATB is impacted the same as if you remove history from GP, so it depends on your inventory costing model.  The GP Inventory documentation covers how removing history impacts each one.
  9. What is the impact on historical data when checklinks is run? Check Links should usually only need to be run within Dynamics GP if problems occur, and it should always be run within a test company before the live company in order to know what to expect.  The utility is very powerful and can sometimes make issues worse.  However, we do recommend running it before the first archive and after each archive. There isn’t necessarily a specific order in which Check Links should be run.  Depending on why you are running it, there are specific tables that should be included, but they vary per issue. You can run it for all modules at the same time, but we recommend running it for the modules being archived before the first archive and after each archive. The process can take a long time if you run it for all modules.  Alternatively, you could run it for all of the tables in each module and process one module at a time.
  10. Can I post transactions in the archived database? No
  11. What is the impact on extracting SSRS reports? You should be fine as you can have SSRS reports that span databases

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