Tuesday, October 25, 2016

eOne Smartconnect - Scheduled maps stop running for no reason

This is an issue that they are currently working on 

1.  Scheduling the SmartConnect scheduling service to restart once a day.  This will solve any sort of "out of memory" issues, or issues where the scheduler shows it's running, but it won't pick up any maps.  I wrote a blog article on how to use a batch file to restart the scheduling service using the Windows task scheduler, you can find it here: http://www.eonesolutions.com/blog-post/restart-smartconnect-scheduling-service-using-batch-file/

Create a batch file with these lines
taskkill /F /IM eOne.SmartConnect.WindowsService.exe
timeout 30
sc start eOne.SmartConnect.WindowsService.exe

2.  Creating a SQL job to delete any users that have been stuck in maps longer than 15 minutes.  So if you have a map that is repeating say every 10 minutes for the entire day, and a user gets stuck in it for longer than 15 minutes, then you know the map is stuck.  So then you create a SQL job that deletes any activity records older than 15 minutes, and then have the job run every 15 minutes.  

delete MapActivity where CheckType='Service' and DateTime <=dateadd(minute,-15,getdate())

This can be created in a sql stored procedure in the master db and be called from anywhere

A sql job can also be created to restart the smartconnect service

-- To allow advanced options to be changed. EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; GO -- To update the currently configured value for advanced options. RECONFIGURE; GO -- To enable the feature. EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1; GO -- To update the currently configured value for this feature. RECONFIGURE; GO
xp_cmdshell 'NET STOP eOne.SmartConnect.WindowsService.exe'

xp_cmdshell 'NET START eOne.SmartConnect.WindowsService.exe'

3. The schedule may be set badly causing it to not repeat correctly.
Avoid the following situations.

  • Do not schedule multiple maps to begin at the same time
  • Set all daily repeating schedules as follows
    • start time is 12am
    • duration is 1440 = 24hrs
  • If you need to run multiple maps, make one map as master, let it run all other maps so they don't bump into each other

A - b
A - C
A - D

don't daisy chain maps

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