Thursday, June 22, 2017

Dynamics NAV - LS Retail - The POS Data Entry already exists. Identification fields and values: Entry Type := 'GIFTCARDNO', Entry Code='xxx'

Possible data corruption from disconnection or bad sync

When Web Services are enabled for gift cards, if the POS loses connection, it will prompt to continue or cancel upon creation of a gift card.
If the user selects continue, it will create the gift card locally.
When internet resumes, regular push jobs may push the voucher to the head office where it may already exist if it was created previously.
To prevent this, you must modify the option to prevent the user from saying yes to continue with gift card creation when there is no connection for web services.

Clear the corrupted records.
Re-synchronize the table

Delete FROM [POS Data Entry] where [Entry Code] = 'xxx'

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