ExeID SE:0000001842;DT:GLREG=45;DI:C12;T81;OnCode Not Found
This error randomly happens when running adjust costs manually and by automated job.
If you keep trying with smaller item ranges, eventually the adjust costs goes through.
We have found no resolution for this other than manually running adjust costs for small ranges at a time.
Run the adjust costs job, Clear as many items as possible.
Schedule it to run weekly after closing hours.
Re-Run the adjust costs job.
We have found missing Item Application entry records can cause this.
Confirm by checking is all Item Ledger entry numbers have a corresponding entry in Item Application Entries in the Item Ledger entry no column.
Any missing records will need to be manually inserted.
Disabling Automatic Cost posting, and setting cost updates to Never allowed us to post out stuck inventory transactions.
After this completed, we were able to run the "Post Inventory Costs" and then the "Adjust Item Costs" afterwards.
then we re-enabled the automatic cost posting.
5-Jun-24 EXEID error came back when posting statements only. Cost posting is still off.
Copied company
Removed posting date limits
Posted all costs, one year at a time to avoid exeid errors
Attempted to post adjust cost – item entries, got exeid error
In application worksheet, unapplied and reapplied last sales, then was able to post adjust cost for that item
If you try to run adjust costs too quickly, it throws an exeid error. Give it 5 mins after running the application worksheet fixes. Close the session, reopen it. Adjust costs will complete now.
Error stopped at item I00000000421
LSC Session Data Exchange Util>FindCreateEXEIDIndex>EXEIDIndexBuffer>LSC ExecutionID Buffer
Trying to create actions and preactions
Trying to process changes, putting them into a buffer if the batchcreation date is too close to the current datetime. Basically, if the system processes too many transactions too quickly, it will fill the buffer, and cause it to stop. It essentially needs a larger buffer, or it needs to run slower.
This is causing the buffer to not empty out if it runs too fast.
Launching the debugger seems to clear the exeid temp table, and allows the adjust cost to complete for small runs until it fills up the temp table and sticks again.
Opening a second screen and running for the exact same item range also seems to clear the exeid table, and allow it to complete up to small ranges. Once the error appears, the temp table is held in that session. You must switch sessions to clear the table held in limbo from the error.
WORKAROUND: Open a new window, run adjust cost for 100 items. Do not reuse this window. Open a new window, run adjust cost for another 100 items. Repeat until all items have been updated.
The error occurs because the temp table doesn't clear after the error is thrown. Once the table is full, it can't run again to clear itself.
I get the error too. Did you ever locate a resolution?