- Encumbrance occurs when any one of the following occurs
- Workflow approves PO line
- PO approval Approves PO line
- Mass Encumbrance processes PO line
Problem: The ENC10110.ENCBSTAT is set to 4, and is waiting for Approval or workflow, but neither of these are enabled, so the line can never be encumbered.
Solution:Set the ENC10110.ENCBSTAT to 2 to enable it in the Mass purchasing>transaction>Mass Encumbrance screen to complete the approval before it can be received.
--Use this to get the dex_row_id's for the lines that cannot be received
select * from enc10110 where ponumber = ' PO00293'
--Use this to update the lines to enable them in the Mass Encumbrance window for processing
--Change the dex_row id's to match the lines that cannot be received
update ENC10110 set ENCBSTAT = 2 where DEX_ROW_ID in (298800,298811)
What causes this situation to occur?