Friday, April 8, 2016

Dynamics NAV - The length of the string is x but it must be less than or equal to y

This happens when you have modified the field length of one table that feeds data into other tables with a smaller field length

When modifying the GL Description in the T17 GL Entry, you must also modify
  • T271 - Bank account ledger entry
  • T272 - Check Ledger Entry
  • T382 - CV Ledger Entry Buffer
  • T121 - Purch. Rcpt. Line
  • T123 - Purch Inv Line
  • T25 - Vendor Ledger Entry
When modifying the External Document number, you must modify all of the above tables and the following
  • T81 - General Journal Line
  • T254 - Vat entry


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is the best solution. we had a user getting this error 'length of the string is 35 but it must be less than or equal to 30 ", from your solution, we found a field in the sale header which is 35 characters in length was feeding data in the gen journal line is 30 characters.
